December 3, 2008

why i love my ipod and sunglasses

Sometimes my life is outrageous and ridiculous. For reasons I don't quite understand, I am a bona fide creep magnet. Do I look stupid and gullible? Do I look like I am on the road to total self destruction? Do I look like I want to marry someone that lives behind Dunkin Donuts?

I'm not going to go into all the details, but I have been asked out by homeless men on the bus, homeless men on the street, and senile widowers while I'm trying to study in a coffee shop. In Chicago, men used to stop me in the street (DAILY) and tell me we'd have beautiful babies together. Once someone followed me home from the bus, trying to convince me to invite him up for a drink. I had to call the police to get him to stop following me.

What the hell? I am pretty sure I don't possess captivating beauty or radiate with charm. I am a nerdy, quirky girl with a boyish figure and anxiety problems. The only reason I can guess as to why so many strange men harass me is that god(s) wants to laugh at my discomfort. So if you ever catch me looking super unfriendly, with headphones in my ears and sunglasses on a cloudy day, it's because I don't want Joe Sex Offender to ask me out on a date again. If you're a cute single man, by all means, harass me, please harass me.

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