May 19, 2010


A friend and former coworker in the depressing world of holiday retail recently sent me a link to the following comment because of its obvious relation to my recent diatribes about the marginalization and communal fear of weirdness in society:

not an insult

and I think it's awesome and better than any vile insultry I could possibly spew about discrimination against the odd and unusual on this blog, so I'm sharing it with you now as a lazy but entertaining substitute for my own writing.

I have lately been inundated with science and read-a-thons (not too late to donate!) and angst and exercise, embattled with addictions to coffee and sleep, and so busy being disenchanted with the world that I haven't had time to process it verbally. But soon I will appease the Internet with a fresh entry. In the mean time, have you seen that new movie Babies !?! It is ADORABLE and ETHNOGRAPHICALLY STIMULATING!

1 comment:

Tuli Melila said...

Hiya :) I've really been enjoying your blog! I'm an anthropologist (and dancer lol) and love the way you think about things, very cool