May 2, 2010


Sometimes thoughts come into my head that are both so novel and entertaining to me that I can't repress them until a more appropriate moment, nor am I able to control the volume at which I express them. If I were 7 years old you might think I have Tourrette's syndrome, but really I just don't have enough shame to control myself. Last night, boyfriend and I pulled up to a restaurant, parking adjacent to a large white van with jungle cat markings and the words "KIM'S WHITE TIGER" scrawled on the side in a pseudo-samurai style font. Unable to connect the van to its type of business (tae kwon do, apparently), I said loudly,

"When I'm really old, I'm going to refer to my snatch as the White Tiger, and it's going to attack hot young men."

Boyfriend's expression was worth it, but judging by the way people sitting outside the restaurant stared at me as we walked by, I was probably disarmingly vocal about the sentiment.

I almost wrote, just now, that this whole situation was fine because none of my peers or superiors were there to witness it. However, it occurs to me now that my boss has caught me doing things just as bizarre at work, like headbanging at my desk, dancing through other peoples' lab space, doing loud imitations of other people, and proclaiming my preference for drinking hard liquor straight from the bottle. But, I mean, he's a cool guy. I can only hope he doesn't include these traits on a recommendation letter in the future.

1 comment:

m0s said...

I am a guy (21) and I often catch myself doing that kind of things :D but that always happens when I'm relaxed and un-concentrated or extremely nervous. I never feel bad about it. I think of it as I loose control over my brain for couple seconds and it does things on its own, but its all good afterward. Although I think its important to be focused at work and not to do that :)