December 20, 2008

Want to know something that makes no sense? (If not: why are you reading this blog?)

In North Carolina, I have tons of crap to do all the time, and it's really important. It's my future that's at stake, sometimes. I get it done, and I don't feel overwhelming stress about it. I'm in Chicago now, and somehow every second seems overburdened with stress, making it hard to accomplish anything-- even though there are literally two things on my omnipresent "to do" list, and neither of them are particularly difficult.

Normally I'd be able to say it's because my mother is harping on me, or something... but she really isn't at all. It's been really nice, as if they are starting to admit to themselves that what they feel about my relocation is not outrage, but a sensation of missing my sometimes unpleasantly liberal and outlandish but otherwise irreplicable* quirky presence. I'm sure none of their friends gush adoringly about the differences between activation kinetics of sodium and potassium channels and how they influence the shape of an action potential. God, I'm getting hot just thinking about it.

*not a real word. What's an antonym for replicable?
** Should I start tagging my posts? Do people use tags?


Unknown said...

try sui generis for unreplicatable (although i would have used irreplaceable)

twisby said...

i found "irreplaceable" during my googling, but i really like that hard C sound that irreplicable would give, if it in fact existed. sui generis is good, but i have overused it in the past :)