December 22, 2008


I had these big plans to spend a lot of time at home away from home to minimize the amount of hair I pull out of my head. HOWEVER, Chicagoland is suddenly covered by "dibilitating snow" and -30 degree windchill weather, so no one is supposed to leave their house, let alone bar-hop and shop their way to sanity/freedom. Yesterday I tried to go downtown (because I am obviously a crazy person with no regard for my personal well-being and only care about shopping and eating pho with Shelby) but the train switches were frozen, so I couldn't get there. It's probably for the best, but damnit, I want some Asian food. I also really need to get out of the house.

Yesterday my mom was sick, and my dad had to deal with basic food preparation all day, so he's in a bad mood. Honestly-- he had to make oatmeal, toast a bagel, spread cream cheese on it, and at dinner, he had to put stir fry on his own plate. These wimmentasks have obviously raised his estrogen levels so high that he's entering physiological PMS. All yesterday and all this morning, he has been doing bizarrely unproductive cleaning tasks, like washing my breakfast dishes before I am done eating and picking up random things and demanding to know if I needed to keep them (they aren't even mine!).

Two months ago, my mother forced my dad and me to get a flu shot and claimed that she would have no exposure to the flu so she wouldn't need one. Now she claims she has the flu, and it's our fault. I'm not sure that people who have the flu have enough energy to go to the gym for two hours then come home and scream at people/cats, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt so that I can revel in my frustration that I have a degree in biology and she won't let me advise her about how viruses are actually spread. (Honestly, I'm not an expert or anything, but I do understand basic disease transmission. "The only place I go is the gym, where I am certainly not exposed to airborne fluids coming off hundreds of sweating potential flu virus carriers!" OKAY MOM.)

In summary, in case you can't make it through all of that bah humbuggery, MERRY CHRISTMAS from my family insane asylum.


Unknown said...

haha. do what i do when i go home - find an absurdly long book and read it cover to cover (twice if you have to) and pretend you can't be interrupted - i.e. ignore everyone and pretend to read.

but seriously, that weather sounds awful and i am supposed to be flying in to Midway tomorrow. is there any word on flight/train outlook for tomorrow? really don't wanna be stuck here for the holidays...

twisby said...

It's supposed to be a blistering 25 degrees today, although it's still snowing. I think everything will be fine by now, though! Good luck.

twisby said...

UPDATE: i got snowed into my house today. i really hope your flight doesn't get canceled! where are you spending christmas?

Unknown said...

ah, back in internet-land. sorta. yeah, i got delayed 3 times coming in and subsuquently missed my train out although Amtrak was gracious enough to transfer my ticket so i got on a later one. which was also delayed. but at least i didn't have to spend the night in Union Station. Got as far as Kalamazoo where my parents were able to come pick me up and take me home - finally got in @ 4am. woopee. i spent the holidays with the folks up near Grand Rapids in Michigan.
the trip back out here was much smoother. unfortunately everything is closed downtown on New Years - at least any coffee shops i could find