November 18, 2008

Things that annoy me today

  • When I am riding the bus home with my arms full of heavy, heavy groceries, because I can't afford a car, and there are 20 empty seats on the bus, and some guy insists on me moving my bag so he can sit next to me and not cooperate by leaning over a little when I need to get off at my stop. I am a skinny lady and my groceries crushed my legs, oww, you bastard!
  • The pregnant "man." Go away, pregnant "man." You have a uterus and ovaries. It is not a miracle you're pregnant.
  • Chief Illiniwek, and all the sheep from the Illinois suburbs at U of I who can't see anything offensive about him. Especially the girl I know who says people are making too big a deal about offending Native Americans because "they are extinct."
  • Me, for not sleeping enough. Won't I ever learn??

1 comment:

Purslane said...

Many of my friends dislike riding public buses. I understand. And I'll never make you move your bags, skinny girl. But I've seen marvelous things happen on the bus. I've seen people help others, even if the others were really othery. I've seen every passenger on the bus become a happy member of a large, friendly community. And once I saw an admirable, strong woman tell a scumbag (whose pants later fell to his ankles, revealing all) to "fuck off." And I thought, "If I'm very lucky, my daughter could turn out as strong as that young woman." Also: I often eavesdrop on people talking Chinese on the bus, not just on the Taiwanese bus, and sometimes their friends are making a movie that I get to have a bit part in.