November 9, 2008


... one of the most beautiful phrases an automated process has ever said to me. Poetry, really.

On with life. Science is stifling me. I need an outlet. Every week or so I try to adopt the habit most of my coworkers have, which is exercising your stresses away, but I end up stressing about what to do and how stupid I will look doing it. Yesterday I rode my bike around, but since my legs are only about twice as thick as a piece of dental floss... I do not think I will ever be able to bike in the piedmont region. Also, I got lost. Last week I tried running, which was fine, but I can't just run because I will get bored with it eventually. How is it that so many people here use physical activity as an outlet? I feel left out and neurotic. Maybe I will just do what I do best, and that is crappily strum my guitar and/or dance around to the Rolling Stones in my yoga pants.

It has apparently been snowing in the midwest, which makes me extra happy to be living in NC. Sometimes I walk around in the 65-70 degrees November weather and feel like I am living in a tropical area, which is not an accurate descriptor of Chapel Hill as much as a sad, sad reflection of how miserable the midwest is in the winter.

After the UTTER HAPPINESS I felt after Obama's election, I guess I was a little overwhelmed by my workload, because I spent all of Wednesday morning trying not to faint. Mayyyyybe I should buy a multivitamin.

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