November 24, 2008

living in the future

Let us never speak about my public speaking skills again.

Here are things I'm looking forward to, in chronological order:
  1. Drinking beer after study group tomorrow. Study groups should not exist without being coupled to beer drinking.
  2. Going to CHICAGO. And drinking beer there.
  3. [Possibly] Making out *
  4. Thanksgiving with Shelby! And my family.
  5. SHOPPING. And drinking hard liquor. With Shelby!
  6. [Possibly] Making out *
  7. Seeing my grandparents for the first time in sooooo long. I am a terrible grandchild.
  8. Seeing Fastball at Cat's Cradle!
  9. [Unlikely] Making out **
* Social activity + alcohol ingestion substantially increases probability of making out
** Except in North Carolina, the Bermuda triangle of make-out prospects

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