September 7, 2008

things i am going to do in 5.5 weeks when i am in chicago

(this list is not comprehensive)

  • eat asian food (i don't care which kind) that doesn't SUCK
  • hang out with JAMIE, et al
  • go downtown and hug a big building
  • eat pizza that doesn't SUCK
  • drive a car to get somewhere when i want to, without having to build in an hour-wide transportation time window.
  • homework... because i do homework every weekend
  • eat waffles, and i don't mean at a goddamn Waffle House
  • wear long sleeves (!!!)
  • not be scared of giant hornets when i go outside
  • get my hair cut and maybe dye it black or dark dark dark dark brown.
...and just so you don't think this is a bitter list about how bitterly homesick i am, let me just say that i fucking love north carolina. today i line-dried my laundry on my porch and they smell like outsideyness. mm. and it's sunny and i feel happy all the time. it's like i'm normal, or something. whoa.

so what do you think of me dying my hair black??? is that too emo? maybe i don't care if you think i'm emo, and that's how emo i am. or maybe it's tearing me up inside, and that's why i'm so emo. emo emo emo. i am too old for this shit.


Anonymous said...

I don't think dyeing your hair black is emo...of course, my hair is black naturally, so I'm biased,heh.

Purslane said...

How about blackblackblack with blue highlights? Like a superheroine. Which you are.

fermina said...

I think a very dark brown would be prettier on you.

Dominique said...

Oooo I only saw this link recently. I say do it! It would look hot.