August 8, 2008


I think a big part of life is delayed gratification. If you wait long enough you can have anything you once desired. Examples:

1. TONY SCALZO is my facebook friend *HeAdExPlOdEs*
2. [private]
3. They finally have Beatles umbrellas at the Fest!
4. Grad school, live in warm climate, have own apartment, etc
5. [private]

Sorry for all those privates. I don't know who reads this thing.

In conclusion: if you sit around and wait until you are a good looking 22 year old/have a college diploma/Tony Scalzo joins facebook, you can achieve ANYTHING. Unless you are Tony Scalzo-- in which case, you can't be your own Facebook friend. Sorry to disappoint.

Edit 8/9/08:
6. I finally met Mark Hudson! He's at Beatlefest every year and I want to adopt him as my crazy, rainbow-beared uncle, and I finally got a picture with him.

By the way, I'll be posting some pictures next week after the internet starts working in my apartment. And I probably won't post anything until then. Go read Jorge Garcia's blog or something.

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