July 28, 2008

not economizing

i have been buying lots of things. buying things makes me feel like i am improving myself. in america, if you throw money at something, you can either improve it or have sex with it. i can have sex with myself for free so hopefully i'll also improve. we are in america, after all. this ain't canada, where my money cain't e'en buy the empty stare of a blind gentleman. (i don't even know what i mean by that)

i bought clothes and accessories and bike tires, but thats not interesting to write about.

i bought Shere Hite's study of male sexuality (a hefty tome) for five dollars at the Newberry Library's used book sale. it was the best five dollars i've spent since buying five dollars worth of chocolate covered raisins. my next boyfriend might be happy i'm learning from the book, but i can almost guarantee that the raisins had the tastier outcome of the two purchases.

i bought a used J Crew sweater and an espresso machine for ten dollars total at a garage sale down the street. this was the best ten dollars i've spent since, well, that's a private matter. but that was a damn good purchase.

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