April 11, 2009

Death by pollen

Last night, we were chatting with the bartender at a pretty funky establishment in Durham. Recently, he told us, he traversed the globe eating steaks and then reported back to the bar via his blog about how they were prepared. (Some blogs are useful). They had a special "Nate's Steak" item that changed according to his blog-- how cool! Someday I want to travel and find a feature of every culture to become neurotic about. Then you can have a themed laugh at me.

In other news, I am sorry to everyone for not respecting your seasonal allergies in the past. Though I may not have said it to your face, I thought you were being huge whiny babies. I now understand your pain. I have had a sore throat, itchy eyes, stuffy nose, and a cough for the past week and a half and it's all because of the damn pine tree sperm. Keep it in your cones, boys.


Alex said...

Which funky establishment in Durham?

twisby said...

It's called.... City Beverage or something like that. It's hidden away right between CH and Durham. They have great food. I had the tuna tacos. *Insert joke here*