October 26, 2008


I am in the middle of one of those headaches/migraines/hells that starts friday afternoon and hasn't stopped since then. I go to bed with a headache, I wake up with a headache, I spend all day with a headache... sure, it's not crippling the entire time, but it sucks to spend the entire day at home waiting for this horrible pounding pain to build up from the top of my head to my soft palate. Last night, around 10pm, it got so bad that I found myself lying on the couch with a blanket pulled over my face, clutching the sides of my head.

Here's where everyone tells me I should see a doctor for my headaches... but I'm too busy to see a doctor, because 4-5 days a month of migraines means 25-26 days of insane catching up. So INSTEAD I am going to bake banana nut muffins and hope for the best.

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