March 11, 2009

Did you miss me?

I missed you, blog readers. All four of you.

When my computer crashed, it gave me the opportunity to re-evaluate my life. Last Monday, my laptop rested in the corner, a wisp of smoke trailing from its lower lip-- a sexy throwback to the good old days of Marlboro advertising. It was a cool cowboy and I was a scared heifer. I realized then, that I had come to rely on my computer not only for random Google searches and self-obsessed Facebooking, but as a scheduled distraction from everything else in my life.

So I cleaned my apartment. Then I made a mess and cleaned it again. I watched a really cool program about Africanized bees on Animal Planet. I fell asleep at 10 every night because there was nothing better to do.

The really sad part about not having my computer was that, every so often, I would think "Well, since I can't do any work right now, I'm going to shop online!" and I'd be very excited for a few minutes before remembering that online shopping also requires a computer. I am a pathetic, pathetic girl.

Anyway, I have a working computer now. All the rage I felt about terrible customer service and unreliable products has dissipated into a methadone-like*, soothing calm. I spent four hours last night shopping for clothes online and not buying anything. Oh, it feels good to give into addictions.

*I've never taken methadone, but I've listened to a lot of music that references it, which obviously makes me qualified to talk about it as if I have first hand experience. Obviously.

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