August 26, 2008

Blogger regret

... but not what you think. If you thought something, that is.

Today, my first day officially working in the lab, my boss/adviser came in and reminded us that the printer in lab was broken, but if we had anything to print, we could use the printer in his lab.

"Just remember to bring in your dongle" he said.

Here is where New Grad Student Elyse was unable to suppress her giggling and pretended to be very interested in a map of the songbird auditory cortex. Luckily, I was the only person in the state who knew about the alternate meaning of 'dongle.' Hopefully you'll never be my boss, Jamie. You'll be forced to fire me for sexual harassment, and sadly, it will probably have nothing to do with the word 'dongle' and more with the fact that you and I would have a bias toward hiring hot hot hot hot man candies. That, and I have no self control whatsoever.


Purslane said...

Any particular songbird? (I like birds.)

twisby said...

well, right now, we're working with sparrows!