August 25, 2008

Today is the first day I've been (almost completely totally wholly) headache free in five days. I don't think it's possible to tell you what a great feeling it is to be able to move around in a well lit area without my head pounding and nausea welling up inside of me.

Jeff Tweedy has migraine headaches and he makes ethereal music. My pain causes me to wake up in the morning with schizophrenic-caliber theories in my head about neuroscience topics. I enjoy Tweedy's headaches more.

I have no social life here. I drink wine by myself in my apartment to soothe my sex drive and my headaches. I clean a lot. I do my work. I should have given up on social activities at UChicago, rather than pursuing them and experiencing frustration at their poor poor quality.

Other things I have noticed about the south lately:
  1. People here dress in boring color and pattern, and everyone dresses the same.
  2. Girls here straighten their hair, even though it's really hard to have straight hair here.
  3. My hair is super wavy. No, really, I don't straighten it anymore because it isn't worth it, and now I look like a hippie/cavewoman/like someone who just had crazy sex.
  4. Where are all the jewish people!?
  5. ... And the brown people?!
  6. Coffee is about 75% as expensive here as it is in Chicago. That is all I need to know about on-campus dining, thanks very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have no idea just how right you are about people dressing the same/looking the same/straightening your hair. The demographic makeup in my hometown is like 93% white or something. It's disheartening. For more information on my lovely county, see,_TN . See? It's really not as bad as it could be!! ;)