December 14, 2008


Okay, this was going to be a rant, but instead I'm just going to calmly state that every Sunday, I call my grandparents, and they basically let me know that they think I am living in North Carolina because
  • I want to "punish" our family by living in a state that isn't Illinois
  • I couldn't get a job anywhere else
  • I'm rebelling against jobs that earn money
  • I'm rebelling against my Catholic upbringing by being a science pagan hippie liberal misanthrope (though this may be partially true, there would be way more effective ways to accomplish it than moving to North Carolina to get a PhD. For example: working for PETA, writing a sex column, becoming a professional groupie, moving to France and not bathing, interning for Barack Obama)
I think they're actually just upset that I'm not married to someone I went to high school with and popping out babies all ready. I'm not going to marry anyone from high school, Grandma. They all thought I was a crazy pagan hippie liberal bitch, and they were right.


twisby said...

I'm not really a pagan.

Unknown said...

lol. i saw this refrigerator magnet in seattle once and this post made me think of it. hope you get a laugh out of it

twisby said...

Alas, I'm not a lesbian, though I gave it a fair try. Nice magnet :)